We Need a Pool

Today was a scorcher! It started on the drive there. My body temperature usually runs cold.  Not Today. On the way there … even though I still had the top off the Miata, I also had the AC on full blast.  Gracie curled up in my lap so she could get the air coming up from the floorboard. LOL.

Once we got to the property I headed to the big opening with my goal being to begin hand cleaning around and between the trees in the small tree islands of the opening that was forestry mulched last week. I set Gracie up under some trees for shade & turned on a rechargeable fan I bought for her to make sure she kept cool. I had also bought a small tent that we could hide from the sun in but the trees were working fine so I never set up the tent … I figured I would save that for another time.

The hand clearing around and between the trees ended up being quite the job. I was removing all the brush and dead branches and heavy moss from the trees.  Some of the trees were really close together so it just simply took more time to handle the details.  I was talking to the trees as I cleaned them, they are all so beautiful. I love these tree islands that are left here.

Most of the trees are fairly young and not mature with a few mature trees mixed in.  I imagine them all growing year after year once I am on the property and taking care of them.  There are so many parts of Freedom Acres that I see as a legacy to leave.  I am distinctly aware that it will outlive me and even though I do not know yet how I want it to be taken care of beyond me I see so much as a living breathing on-going process.

Both Gracie and I were restless just because of the heat. The biggest fun for the day was watching Gracie entertain herself.  She would hang out in the Cart watching me …. then I would take my eyes off of her for a bit as I worked and she would be crawling out of the cart & be walking around it.  Next time I checked she would laying in front of the cart. Changing it up constantly.
At one point I let her off the leash and she roamed around & then suddenly jumped up on the lowered branch of my favorite weird tree. The tree looks like it was perhaps damaged and has this one thick branch that is bent down and low to the ground.  The branch is sturdy and even I can sit on it safely.
So there she was running back and forth on the branch and finally sat on it giving her a little height advantage to see out across the property.  The Queen of the property!
I also got Birdie, the drone, up in the air and tried some new tricks with her.  She is a very rich in features that I keep trying but, just getting her to fly smoothly has been challenging enough for me. LOL
Bottom line was that the day was pretty exhausting.  We need a pool!  Trust that I have put a water feature on the list now of things to add to the property. 
I am facing into the fact that I need to be living on the property sooner rather than later.  That has always been the goal but I need to find ways to move it faster. Only having a few hours on Sundays to work is having it go so slow. Right now the do-next list looks like:

  • Find a local electrician to get permit from the county to have electric company put in a temporary electric pole.
  • Get temporary electric pole ordered.
  • Find local well drilling company to drill well and schedule it.
  • Put down concrete slabs to put temporary off-grid dwelling & shipping container for storage.
  • Determine what off-grid dwelling I will have dropped on property & schedule that delivery.
  • Order shipping container and schedule that delivery.

So, that means there are a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up.  Making call after call looking for the right people to get permits and do the work. And I am a Beauty-on-a-Budget for sure LOL.  I have basic funds to get things initially moving, however, for bigger purchases like the temporary dwelling I will need to find appropriate financing … preferably companies that will finance themselves. 
As a entrepreneur most conventional loans expect something beyond good credit (which I have).  They are based on people who get paychecks as proof of income, which I do not issue myself.  I do everything legally but it just doesn’t fit into the common banking/loan systems.  Many small business owners hit this same limitation.
I will figure it out … I always do and it does slow down the process.
Next weekend Loren, the Master Gardener, will be meeting me on the property to see it for the first time.  She is an absolute visionary in Regenerative Farming. So I am very excited about what is going to be possible in terms of growing veggies, fruit, trees, gardens, etc.  Can’t wait!

Til next week –

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