The Gardener Guru Shows Up

My Sundays at Freedom Acres keeps getting more exciting!  This week I was honored by having Loren Pulitzer come spend time on the land with me!  Loren is a Gardening Guru and a beautiful soul.  I have know her for years and it had been years since I had seen her in person.  It was instant warmth for me when she got out of her car and we hugged. Everything flowed from there.

She walked the property with me and I could feel the energy buzzing from both of us as we walked. Loren noted the new growth and pointed things out while we went along, wondering about the trees, the vines and even the fungi. At one point she put her hands into the sandy ground and announced that the soil was already richer from the mulch left behind from two weeks ago because of the forestry mulching that was done to clear some of the land.

It was so comforting to get confirmation that we could do so many things on the property.  We sat in the shade and talked about regenerative farming and the various eco-systems in the overall system of the property.  We discussed raised beds and combination planting and bees, birds and butterflies.
“You need a bee to grown cucumbers!” she said.  Loren explained how bees are an important part of regenerative farming and that it is about providing an optimal environment for both the bees and the rest of the eco-system.  I finally understood.

Loren speculated that within 5 years we could cultivate various areas, adapt them to the on-going changes of each area and be able to enrich the soil (which is now just sand, LOL).  We spoke of composting and mulching from the growth on the land.  Everything gets used to regenerate something else and itself.

We also talked and dreamed about various uses for the property.  A Safe, Sacred Space.  Once I am living on the property and have an off grid system there is a limitless amount of ways I can create community with the We Artistic Women, the creative women I intend to support. There is plenty of land for various living and event opportunities and places and ways for others to visit and stay on the property.  And we envisioned a community, camping, some who might stay year round and community circles and full moon ceremonies.

The day was beautiful and breezy.  So much easier to be on than the couple of Sundays prior when it had been so sweltering hot. It had rained a lot and there were high winds the day before.  Several trees had cracked and broken on the property.  So many of the trees had been here for so long in a state of a lack of care.  One tree had fallen across the winding pathway to the area I intend to build my permanent dwelling. It cracked right off.  Meanwhile, the areas I had been hand clearing in the tree clumps left inside the cleared areas looked more alive.  I think they liked being taken care of.

Loren has resources that we can tap into such as bee experts and bamboo experts.  She was wondering if we could find a forager to come spend time on the land to help discover what all is really there.  I am also aware that I will need some extra hands for many projects.  I know more each week that I can do things but there are just some things that I won’t be able to do well alone and/or will take me forever if I do not find some helping hands along the way. Calling all handy women ….
We agreed that we would implement a weekly call to lay out plans and continue our conversation.  It was so amazing to have someone just as excited as I was about what was possible with the land. I swear her eyes were sparkly behind her sunglasses. I can’t wait to introduce her to Nair and Mable.  The team is growing!!!
After Loren left I decided to just keep enjoying being there vs. dragging all my tools out of the car.  I brought out Birdie, the drone, and again practiced improving my skills with her.  I have to keep reminding myself that those who make it look so simple have spent time getting to that point. LOL  I managed to land her in wrong places, get the videos really overexposed and break two propellers (while slicing the heck out of my thumb as I was trying to land her on my hand).  The wind was much higher than it had been previously so poor Birdie was moved around through the air willy-nilly any time I got her above a certain altitude. I was forced to keep her closer to the ground so she was safe.

Gracie continued to have great fun running around both alone and tethered to my waist leash.  She made herself a bed in the breezy sun and chilled, chased buggies and jumped all over Loren.  She seems to be creating a new personality on the land.  Curious vs. cautious.  Perhaps we are syncing up in that, both of us owning it more with each Sunday visit. 

The other BIG good news is that I have a guy meeting me here on Saturday 13th to walk the land and inspect it in order to drill my well.  He will be able to tell me more then and give me a more accurate estimate.  The estimates I have gotten so far have been way above what I initially thought. Seems that being in Florida doesn’t mean there is goood clean water within a few dozen feet.  Everyone has been in agreement that it will need to be at least a 100 ft well and maybe more.  This guy I spoke with was kind and patient with me and a straight shooter – I like that.  We will see how this goes and if everything goes good then I will sign a contract and be scheduled for 4 – 6 weeks out for the work. I know that having clean pure (as possible) water on the land is one of the most important things.

This coming Sunday I will not get to the property.  The first Sunday of each month I have other things I need to take care of where I currently live, a few hours away.  I am already missing it … waiting 2 weeks seems like a long time.  For now, I just keep being patient … I know it will all fall into place as divinely planned and the Universe has my back so I just need to keep trusting even though “making it happen” and trying to force things is more my old normal way of being. Patience, Grasshopper!

As I do every Sunday on the land, I have posted videos on my YouTube Channel from the visit … feel free to check them out by clicking HEREAlso feel free to subscribe & you can get notified when new videos go up! 🙂

I will be back here soon!

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