Time for a Play Day

This week I did NO work at the property.  I had a dear friend and her husband who came to Orlando from NY.  They invited me to come see and stay with them since we were so close by.  I was able to get there Saturday and stayed with them Saturday night.  They were so generous and took care of Gracie and I.  It was fabulous to just take the evening to get away and be with them. We laughed (& laughed & laughed) a lot and hung out.  Gracie was absolutely thrilled … she zoomed around their place and got petted and spent HOURS licking my friend’s face (I swear!).

Sunday we headed out to the property, she road with me and her husband followed with their car so they had a car to go back with.  The property was about 2 hours from where they are staying. It was so great of them to do that.  I couldn’t wait for them to see it.  We had been talking about it, by phone, the whole year … so now she was going to SEE it!

We spent several hours walking around the property while I showed them around. I was so thrilled sharing it all with them.  They were both so interested and asking questions.  She is VERY visionary and knows a ton about land, plants and building things (beautiful things, I might add) and was creating things all the way along.  Great ideas flowed out of her as I keep developing, in my head, what’s next.  

Meanwhile, It was good for me to be able to do a reality check on the property too.  I have mostly been out here creating by myself all year, in the quiet of my own head.  I am so in love with it that I sometimes have wondered if I see it through my starry eyes and maybe it is just an illusion that it is so wonderful.  After all it is just a 10 acre chunk of raw land still, for the most part.  Florida land, flat and sandy. It felt so good to have confirmation that Freedom Acres is REALLY amazing. LOL

I did check the Rainwater Collection Tank and it had added a few inches more.  The fire from last week did not get to my property so I felt an enormous relief from that.  After they left I dropped off a few supplies that I had brought and happily left the property … happy to have been able to spend some time on it with them and so content to drive home and return next week to get real work done again.

This week I only posted one video on the Freedom Acres YouTube Channel.  It was a video my friend took while we were goofing around and laughing at everything.  Feel free check it out by clicking HEREAlso, feel free to subscribe and you can get notified when new videos go up! 🙂

This week we will have some action again.  Roger, the electrician, will be installing his electrical pole and station for Duke Energy to be able to connect to. AND I say that this is the week that we will finally get the topographical map which will allow us to finally submit the final piece in order to get permitting to get the containers on the property. The Universe will keep teaching me patience LOL  As always, I welcome any of your energy, sent in anyway you send it, in our direction, for Freedom Acres, Gracie and I for all of the continued progress.  It is so much appreciated!!!  Love and freedom to you til I come back next week!

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