Creatures & Progress

I headed out this week with several tasks that needed to be done since I played on the property with my friend last week and didn’t get any work done. LOL. Also, there were several things that happened this week to move the overall project forward so I needed to keep prepping for each piece.  Time to work!
As for the the updates;  Great News!!  First, Kennedy Electric got their work done this past week.  They installed an electric station, near the house, so that Duke Energy could connect their underground cables into that “pole and can” (as Duke called it).  It was so cool to drive up to the house area and see that cement pole and metal box there!  That was the last piece I needed to be done to be able to be ready for Duke.  Easement clearing was done, pole and box in and easement approval form notarized.  BAM!  So now, anytime between now and Dec 15th (the last date in their install range) their contractors can show up, dig the trench, lay the cable and hook it up to my station!
Other BIG NEWS:  The survey company finished the topographical survey Tuesday.  Nair, my friend and GC, drove an hour and 1/2 to pay for and pick up the sealed, signed originals (she is such a blessing) and the next morning and I received the CAD version via email.
Next it had to go back to the architectural drawing table to get the topographical info included in my drawings.  This was a hold-my-breath moment as the guy who needed to do this is always very busy so I was afraid I would need to wait gawd-knows-how-long again.  I had already had my conversation with the Universe about how I was playing the game of getting the permit submitted this week.  It was up to me to be patient and let the Universe do her thing. On Saturday night Nair texted me that she had gotten the final drawings and on Sunday she submitted the full permit package to the county for review and approval.  BAM again!!  Permit in this week … right in the nick of time! OMG everything is moving still!!!
Meanwhile on the property Sunday, I was blasting through things as fast as I could.  I started in the garden area.  I needed to, once again, clear the area so that the concrete guys could get in and lay the concrete slab for the storage shipping container and I needed to add taller stakes and paint them orange so it would be obvious where the slab needed to go.  The concrete guy has our drawings but I didn’t want to leave anything to chance.
I was using my hand held brush cutter, moving through the area and I was thinking to myself that I was moving like a turtle.  I was also thinking how much faster this would go with just a little help LOL.  Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw something move on the ground about 40 ft away.  Now you know I freaked out some coz’ … wellllll … I am always looking for snake creatures … even though I have yet to see a single one or even evidence of any. 
So I turned off the brush cutter, put it down and stood still and stared in that direction.  And there it was … right in front of me.  The Universe’s sense of humor never ceases to amaze me.  It was a turtle, a big adult turtle.  It was just moseying along across the land and chomping grass and weeds as it moved.  LOLOL … another turtle sent to help me clear the land … in a fabulous twist of two-turtles-are-better-than-one kind of a way! All work stopped as I began to follow the turtle and play hide and seek with it.  The minute it would catch me in it’s peripheral vision it would stop and pull into it’s shell, then when I would back out of sight it would turtle along again.  Meanwhile, Gracie, the Yorkie guard dog, was standing on the truck bed and barking away at it.   It was such a beautiful cosmic joke.
I was so grateful that it had been far enough away that I hadn’t hurt it in any way and just wanted it to be safe and be able to either stay on the land or move off it.  I secretively hoped it would stay. Since there is a fence around the property maybe it had no choice.  There are still about 8 acres of land I haven’t cleared yet so it has plenty of land to roam. I do love the thought of having it be a Freedom Acres mascot … we can all take care of each other!!!  NITE to SELF: out how I can create a healthy safe environment for it.  ANOTHER NOTE to SELF … figure out if it is a male or female since I can’t just ask it’s pronouns! FINAL NOTE to SELF: figure out if it is a Turtle or Tortoise coz I have just been informed that it is a Tortoise. OOOOOO My!
That definitely took up some of my work time and I finally had to just leave Magic Turtle/Tortoise alone and quit playing and get back to work. I moved to the home area and repainted the stakes that for the concrete guys to know where the shipping container home would go also so they could install the cylindrical piers for it to sit on.
I also put tons of bay leaf powder around my tarp areas to take my natural Florida wood roach repellent activity to the next level.  There really were no roaches this week from the eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree oil and oregano I had put down in the last two visits.  I really want to avoid doing anything aggressive to hurt them I just want them gone from where I live and work.  They too are welcomed to the rest of the acreage to live on for now.
I eventually wrapped everything up and headed home proud of my progress for today and knowing I could do more clearing next week.   It is so satisfying when I have put in a good days work.  If anyone had ever told me how proud I would be of doing manual labor I would have probably laughed at them.  Now I get it!

This week I posted videos, on the Freedom Acres YouTube Channel, of the clearings I did, the rainwater collection tank weekly update, lots of Turtle/Tortoise action and of course the new electric station.  Feel free check it all out by clicking HEREAlso, feel free to subscribe and you can get notified when new videos go up! 🙂

This week we will be in a new wait mode again.  With the permit submitted now everything will be waiting for the country to approve the work.  I am playing a game for one week.  Yep, I know … crazy game especially considering this week has a holiday in it.  Once that is done we get to run full speed ahead. The concrete guys get to do their thing and I can order deliver of the shipping containers (both the storage one and the one I will live in). The Universe will keep teaching me patience I am sure.  LOL  As always, I welcome any of your energy, sent in anyway you send it, in our direction, for Freedom Acres, Gracie and I for all of the continued progress.  It is so much appreciated!!!  Love and freedom to you til I come back next week!  For those of you in the US, as you celebrate the Day of Gratitude please take a moment and be grateful for yourself in all your human and divine ways!  I certainly am grateful for you!

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