Clearing for Duke Energy & Trash Collection


It was a great week for movement.  After talking to Duke at the end of last week I jumped into action to line up the things needed to get on Duke’s official install schedule.  I spoke to Roger, the electrician, to make sure everything in Duke’s drawings made sense and Roger gave it a thumbs up. I also spoke with Liz and Jason from Guardian Fencing about clearing a 10′ path from Duke’s entrance onto the property to their Transformer and onward towards the house.  This had to be cleared vs. forestry mulched so Duke’s contractors could dig an unobstructed trench to lay the underground cable.

Jason came out quickly on Monday and finished the job on Tuesday. BAM! Love Jason and Liz … professional, fast, priced well AND Jason does really high quality work. Then I spent the rest of the week trying to reach Duke to let them know the work was done and to try to get on the schedule. I sent photos and texted and emailed and called.  That was all I could do so it was “wait” time again. Tap, Tap, Tap of my fingers on my desk. Tick Toc, Tick Toc of the clock.

So when I pulled up on the property Sunday I couldn’t wait to see Jason’s work.  He had sent photos but seeing it in person was thrilling.  Jason created a 10′ opening in the fence on the South street side where Duke would come in from the pole across the street.  He secured it and when Duke is done we will put another gate there so I can get to the street and pick up mail, etc. He then cleared it perfectly to the windy path that had been cleared before and then ran the 10′ path along the East side of the windy path to Duke’s transformer.  He cleared around the transformer and then on towards the house.  He had to remove trees and several big root systems that would have gotten in the Duke contractor’s way.  All done! 

I pulled up with some heavy chains and hooked them across the fence opening with a few privacy signs. Once again I know it will only keep the honest people out.  I am simply interested in keeping any wanderers out and make it easier for them to wander somewhere else.  It is not that I have much there for anyone to take. LOL

Then it was onward to finish up my trash sorting, collecting and bagging job.  Got my handy dandy regular saw out and away I went cutting things up.  After an hour of work I finally got everything I could cut up cut and started stuffing heavy duty contractor bags.  I ended up with 9 in total and a small pile of wood, from the old couch frames, and a pile of dump material that included scrap metal, the old VCR TV and a tire. 

Just as I was finishing up I spotted, off in the distance, something that was catching light.  I cut my way through to it and low-and-behold it was another small tire.  Perfect timing to add it to the batch.  I know I need to make another trip around the South end of the property and find the bottles and cans tossed in off the road that are now inside my fence. That will be next visit. I was done for today with the trash.

I checked the Rainwater Collection Tank and it had added a few inches more.  We are moving into “drought” season here in Florida.  I say that with a giggle coz’ we actually never have drought conditions here … it just begins to rain a little less here between now and spring.  So I suspect the tank will continue to be a slow fill for the last quarter of the tank.  I am still tickled that it is filling at all considering it just collects off the small surface on the top. Great for the coming-soon garden beginnings though.

The other thing I experimented with last week had to do with me trying to repel the Florida wood roaches from my tarp area where I keep several storage containers with some supplies and hand tools.  OK, let’s get real, I don’t know anyone who loves roaches.  Personally they make my skin crawl.  Upon being surprised by one I jump and shriek like I am a five year old grrl again. 

I can respect them.  I know they serve their purpose in the ecosystem.  I prefer not to kill them but I also prefer to not see them.  They are big and not as afraid as most roaches because they have a defensive secretion that chases off predators.  They feed off decaying plants and trees … which I have still in the woodsy areas of the property.  Bottom line: I just want them to keep their distance from me! LOL

So after a lit of research I started, last week, trying different herb leaves and essential oils to repel them.  I went to the tarp area this week to check on how it worked.  None on the top of the tarp. Yeah!  I carefully lifted the tarp off the containers.  None on the top.  Yeahhhh!! I pulled the gorilla cart off the top of the smaller containers.  Still none. Yeahhhhhh!!!  I made of video of it, jumping up & down excited that it had worked. 

The minute I finished the video I grabbed a tarp that was last thing on the containers & shrieked as 3 large wood roaches scurried away. Foiled!!!  Fortunately my containers are all waterproof and sealed tight.  However, I am still shrieking.  So, I finished the day by pouring more tea tree spray and ground catnip and peppermint leaves everywhere.  I will try again with those then, if they don’t work, I will bring out some oregano, eucalyptus and the big dog repellent … bay leaves. As soon as I am living on the property I will build a repellent circle of plants around the whole home area with live plants that they hate: Chrysanthemums, Lemongrass, Lavender, Citronella, Marigolds, Mint, Bay Leaves, Rosemary, Garlic, etc.  Gotta GO!

Just as I was wrapping things up I began to smell smoke.  I was in the garden area and I looked up and to the North, across the neighbors fence I could see smoke.  collecting and beginning to rise up.  Hummm … he must be burning trees he cut down.  Then I heard the fire engines.  I could not only smell the smoke but I could hear the fire moving. Ut-O!!!  Nop, that was NOT a controlled fire.  As a matter of a fact, it was quiet out of control! Gracie and I were safe and I sat on the back of the Jeep tailgate for a moment just trying to see what was happening. 

Then a fire department vehicle came rolling down my path from the double gate … thinking they could get there this way.  Nop.  No entrance from here.  I told them how to go ahead and turn around.  They drove up to the house area and one guy jumped out and scaled the neighbors fence while the other came back out & left the property … meeting another fire truck coming in along the way and instructed him to turn around too. 

Gracie and I sat watching from our little distance as fire folks rustled around trying to put out the fire.  It got pretty thick.  I was so grateful to see how quickly the fire department got there and began handling the fire. That was at least comforting.  Unfortunately Gracie and I needed to leave.  I was simply praying that everyone over at the neighbors was OK. As I pulled out of the property the fire department looked like they were finishing things up but smoke was still pretty thick.  I left with gratitude and as I came to the corner I spotted a rural gothic ghoul on the opposite neighbor’s corner.  I giggled … Happy Halloween!!!

Like I do every week, I have posted videos of this week on the Freedom Acres YouTube Channel.  There are videos of my the Rainwater Collection Tank check as always, the completed trash collection, putting chains on the gate, the action of the fire and my Exciting End of Day report I include each week. Feel free check them out by clicking HEREAlso, feel free to subscribe and you can get notified when new videos go up! 🙂

As for the coming week I will just keep trusting the Universe.  I will, with the Universe’s help, continue to move things with Duke so I can get on Duke’s schedule.  I say that this week I will get the topographical survey done so we can move the permitting.  IT IS possible. LOL As always, I welcome any of your energy, sent in anyway you send it in our direction, for Freedom Acres, Gracie and I for all of the continued progress.  It is so much appreciated!!!  Love and freedom to you til I come back in two weeks!

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